Thursday, May 22, 2008

Well, it is Thursday night, and I think I will just ramble about a few things that stuck in my craw today. I gave enough information about Barack Hussein Obama that intelligent people will be able to check up more on his views and stances, and see how much of a socialist liberal he really is. God help us all if he is elected; he may have a fillibuster-proof Congress, that will let him rubber-stamp his way to bankrupting this country and bringing in the liberal dream of a 100% tax rate against the "evil rich."
One of the things I want to ramble about is the 39-cent per gallon gas hike I witnessed across the street from my office. The store owner was kind enough to let me know ahead of time, so I was able to fill up my bike. This brought the cost of a gallon of regular to $4.28/gallon. Now, we all hear about the "big oil" companies making billions of dollars in profits, of course reported in an unbiased and fair manner by "big media." I heard on the Tom Sullivan show today that the oil companies are making approximately 8-cents a gallon profit.
This is after paying for labor, purchasing and refining the oil and, of course, paying taxes. We all hear about the "windfall" profits, and of course the Democrats want to tax ANYONE making profits. However, what we don't hear, and what was reported by Tom Sullivan earlier this week, is that, following accepted accounting practices, Exxon paid their fair share of taxes on $9 billion of the $10 billion profits they made. Oh, wait, we can't report THAT, can we? That might undermine this war the liberals and the media are trying to create; the war between the "rich" and the rest of us.
Hasn't anyone noticed that, for the last several decades, the media and the left have been trying to use class envy to create hatred between people who have worked their asses off to succeed and the people who have done enough to get by? I mean, how does it negatively impact YOU if I earn $2 million a year and you earn $20k a year? Are you worse off because someone else earns more than you? Is it possible they worked harder, or have more education, or took risks that you were too afraid to take? Are they bad people if, just maybe, they got lucky?
And why do the left-wing liberals insist that people who have busted their butts, and have been taxed at an exhorbitant rate, "give back" to the people they already involuntarily give to? How many of these well-meaning lefties "give back" the money they earn in their jobs? And what jobs they are -- acting, playing sports, etc.
I guess the "evil rich" they speak about are CEOs, CFOs, high-level managers -- the people who busted their butts and took risks. THESE are the people who must "give back" in order to be considered "good rich."
Here is a another rambling coming to mind. Why must politicians (mostly on the conservative side) always apologize for stating their opinions? Wasn't this country founded upon the great freedoms of speech and religion? Suddenly, nobody can speak their mind, for fear that they might be considered "politically incorrect" and labeled as a "hate-monger," spewing "hate speech." Good Lord, dear God, Jesus help us all. What bunch of pinheads determine what is and is not "politically correct," and who among us gave them this power to censure free speech? I would love for SOMEONE to tell me where the "politically correct speech monitors" are and how I can get hold of them; I have a few words to say that would no doubt get me labeled as a hater.
As if I care.
I heard John McCain had to distance himself from some televangelist who spoke his mind. So what? It hasn't hurt Barack Hussein Obama when his preacher spoke words of hatred. And why should it? EVERYONE, public or private, is allowed to speak their mind under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. A constitution, mind you, that Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton, and John McCain, are sword to uphold and defend. I challenge ANY of them to defend Rush Limbaugh's right to speak, or Michael Savage, or Ray Taliaferro, or Sean Hannity.
Here is another rant, which kind of ties into my first one. I have noticed that the people bitching the loudest about America's dependence on foreign oil are the first to deny oil companies the opportunity to drill and pump oil here. Now, let me see if I can understand this, using the smallest words possible. Liberal says, no blood for oil, get off foreign oil. But wait, no drill for oil in America, no drill for oil in Alaska, no nuclear power (ooops, two multi-syllable words!).
Soooooo, they want us to use alternative energy. Lets see, nuclear power works really well; look at Europe, and at the US Navy's nuclear fleet. And Montana, most of Nevada, Utah and Wyoming are tectonically stable, and would be perfect for several nuclear power plants. And the waste? Lets space it. We have the technology to put nuclear waste, whatever cannot be recycled, into a trajectory that will dump it onto Venus, or into the sun. Oh, wait, the same environmentalist nutcases on the left who want us off oil also are against nuclear. Hmmmm, what else?
Solar energy? Sure, we can all live in the stone age with current applications of solar power; or we can use existing technology to put several hundred solar-collector satellites into geosynchronous orbits, and use microwaves to beam that power to collector plants to disperse it through the grid. Oh, wait, one of the microwave beams might stray and a tree might burn, or a spotted owl may die. We wouldn't want that.
I think that the environmentalist kooks who seem to be the darlings of the media would be happy if we drop back to an agrarian, pre-industrial society. Oh, wait, millions of innocent people on the African and Asian continents might die. After all, we can't ask them not to breed children they cannot possibly feed. It is up to all of us in the United States to feed them. But wait, without using modern technology, we can't feed all of us in the US, let alone around the third-world. What to do, what to do?
You can see why I say it is easy to be a liberal. You just have to state a problem and say you care about it. You can then knock down any logical solutions or arguments about praciticality by labeling people as "hate-mongers" or "racists."
What this country needs are a core of politicians who will stand up to the liberal nutbag environmentalists and their sycophants and say, "Screw you! We represent the will of the American majority, and the majority want American oil and American nuclear power. The fringe, whiney, loud-mouthed, pissy minority can go to Hell; if you don't like it here, move south. We are sure Mexico will welcome you with open arms."
(Here is a link you can read about Mexico's immigration policy -- -- and see how "progressive" it really is)
We need a core of politicians who will stand up and represent the MAJORITY of Americans and our wants and needs, and not bend over and grab their ankles when accused of being "uncaring" or "racist" or "sexist" or any other kind of "-ist."
We won't see that. Not in our lifetimes. Sadly, I think what we will see is much more frightening and is really just around the corner. I think the truck driving community is at its end, with diesel jumping up to over $5 a gallon, when it is a byproduct of creating gasoline. I think that more than 70-percent of them are going to say "Screw You!" and pull over. You see, you can bring product in by ship, or plane, or train; you can't move it to the stores or refineries or factories without America's truckers.
And who will feel it first? The biggest cities -- New York, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle -- places that you can't grow your own food, and are TOTALLY dependent upon deliveries for their lives. Coincidentally, where the liberals congregate and berate those of us who live a rural lifestyle. We will see those cities implode, as supplies dwindle in mere hours. Many Americans live a "me" lifestyle; when they hear that deliveries will stop, the will flood to stores and gas stations to make sure that THEY have their supplies. Riots will erupt, and inside of hours, those cities will tear themselves apart. The rural communities will have a better time of it, as we can grow our own food, and have things to trade for food.
If truckers stop for just TWO WEEKS, this country will be on its knees. The military will feed themselves, as they should, and they will still be able to defend us. It will take YEARS to resupply the stores and gas stations, and it will totally destroy OPEC. Americans will see the folly of depending upon other countries for our energy needs, and will ignore the environmental nuts. We will stumble, and if Barack Hussein Obama, or Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton are in power, we will land hard. Neither have the experience or the leadership to help us. Both are junior senators, and neither have any military or leadership experience to fall back on.
It is coming; we must prepare. Put aside fuel, put aside food, and make sure your weapons are in good shape.
Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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