Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obama proves he is a socialist, and that you are stupid!

Barack Hussein Obama showed up in Oregon for another campaign rally, and once again proved that he thinks we are too stupid to take care of ourselves; in other words, that he wants the government to be mother and father and nanny to us all.
He told 130 people at an assisted living facility that privatizing Social Security was a bad idea "when George W. Bush proposed it. That's why I stood up against this plan in the Senate and that's why I won't stand for it as president."

Bush proposed a Social Security plan in 2005 that focused on creating private accounts for younger workers, but it never came up for a vote in Congress. Democrats strongly opposed the idea and few Republicans embraced it. This is truly sad, as Republicans should have been strongly on board, protecting our rights as individuals, not lumping us as a "collective" like the Democrats like to do. Do you know what Bush wanted to do? He wanted us to control 25% of our social security investment and place it where we wanted to. And it was a voluntary program! Nobody was going to be forced to do this, only those who wanted participate.

Wow. Freedom of choice, what a concept. Individuality. Control of at least PART of your own destiny. Taking responsibility for your own future. What a concept.

Barack Hussein Obama said McCain would push to raise the retirement age for collecting Social Security benefits or trim annual cost-of-living increases. Barack Hussein Obama has rejected both ideas as solutions to the funding crisis projected for Social Security in favor of making higher-income workers pay more into the system.

How typical of a Democrat. Let's make the people who will use the system the least pay the most. Higher income workers usually are better educated, and have taken care of their own retirement. They took risks and came out on top. And now this liberal, socialist Democrat, Barack Hussein Obama wants to punish the people who work the hardest for their success.

``We have to protect Social Security for future generations without pushing the burden onto seniors who have earned the right to retire in dignity,'' Barack Hussein Obama said. In other words, we have to support people who didn't plan ahead. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a hard enough time supporting myself and my family; I don't want to support everyone else.

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds accused Obama of making ``misinformed partisan attacks.''

``John McCain has been clear about his belief that we must fix Social Security for future generations and keep our promises to today's retirees, but raising taxes should not be the answer to every problem,'' Bound said.

However, it is clear that Barack Hussein Obama, like every other Democrat, has never met a tax he didn't like. And, like every other "progressive" (read - LIBERAL!) he sees it as the government's job to take care of us womb to the tomb, and to punish those who excel with increasingly higher, punitive, repressive taxes.

Do you want to know where Barack Hussein Obama stands on the issues? Look at his record:
Click here for 12 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion.
  • Voted against banning partial birth abortion. (Oct 2007)
  • Stem cells hold promise to cure 70 major diseases. (Aug 2007)
  • Trust women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion. (Apr 2007)
  • Extend presumption of good faith to abortion protesters. (Oct 2006)
  • Constitution is a living document; no strict constructionism. (Oct 2006)
  • Pass the Stem Cell Research Bill. (Jun 2004)
  • Protect a woman's right to choose. (May 2004)
  • Supports Roe v. Wade. (Jul 1998)
  • Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)
  • Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
  • Voted YES on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)
  • Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance. (Dec 2006)

On some of these issues, I have no problem. Roe v. Wade is accepted law, and protects a woman's right to choose. However, I think that men are being left out of that law; after all, a woman would not need to choose to murder an unborn child if a man were not there at the creation of the child. He certainly gets no say in the matter. Men also get no say on the matter if the woman chooses to HAVE the child; even if he gives up any and all rights to the child, he still gets the privilege of paying for the child.
I do find it odd that Democrats are oh-so-vocal about protecting a woman's right to choose to teminate an unborn life, but oh-so-vocal about denying the general public's right to choose to keep and bear arms, or direct your own social security contributions, or pay a reasonable sales tax instead of a repressive income tax, or .... You get my point, hopefully.
I have no problem with stem cell research, as it may hold the future cures to cancer and other diseases, but I don't really like the thought of purposeful, government-paid abortions for it. But, since abortion is legal, I think stem cell research should be allowed. It should not be stopped from privately-funded scientists in any event.
And now let's see how he votes on economic matters:
Click here for 8 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.
  • Bush & GOP dug budget hole; need 1 or 2 years to dig out. (Dec 2007)
  • Take China "to the mat" about currency manipulation. (Dec 2007)
  • Regulate financial instruments to protect home mortgages. (Aug 2007)
  • Return to PayGo: compensate for all new spending. (Oct 2006)
  • Bush's economic policies are not working. (May 2004)
  • Supports federal programs to protect rural economy. (May 2004)
  • Voted NO on paying down federal debt by rating programs' effectiveness. (Mar 2007)
  • Voted NO on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)
Amazing! As I stated earlier, Barack Hussein Obama, like every Democrat, loves to spend other people's money, primarily to support the non-producers. He has never seen a program he wants to end. He voted NO to reduce federal spending by $40 billion; he voted NO to rating federal programs' effectiveness. Do any of you wonder why? Could it be that he gets a lot of money from unions, and there are some very important government employee unions whose membership could be reduced by ending non-effective, or duplicative, programs? Hmmmm...
He wants to regulate financial instruments to protect home mortgages. To me, this means he wants YOU AND I to bail out people who overspent, and were to stupid to read the fine print. Hey, maybe I will contend that I was unaware of the small print, and refuse to pay on my mortgage, and make all of you pay..... Nah, as I stated in my last blog, I have a work ethic, and believe in paying my way.
Now, when it comes to civil rights, all Democrats believe they are the end-all and be-all. Republicans are the ones, they claim, that want everyone to be enslaved. And yet, it was a Republican who freed Black Americans from slavery. Interesting. And it is Republicans who believe that EVERYONE can excel and succeed on their own merit; Democrats, particularly the most liberal, believe that members of "minorities" cannot achieve on their own and must get help and special treatment. I can just see Martin Luther King Jr. spinning in his grave. He wanted equality, not quotas based on an accident of birth.
Here are Barack Hussein Obama's stands on civil rights:
Click here for 31 full quotes on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.
  • Being gay or lesbian is not a choice. (Nov 2007)
  • The politics of fear undermines basic civil liberties. (Oct 2007)
  • Ok to expose 6-year-olds to gay couples; they know already. (Sep 2007)
  • Better enforce women's pay equity via Equal Pay Act. (Aug 2007)
  • Strengthen the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Aug 2007)
  • Has any marriage broken up because two gays hold hands? (Aug 2007)
  • We need strong civil unions, not just weak civil unions. (Aug 2007)
  • Legal rights for gays are conferred by state, not by church. (Aug 2007)
  • Disentangle gay rights from the word "marriage". (Aug 2007)
  • Gay marriage is less important that equal gay rights. (Aug 2007)
  • Gay rights movement is somewhat like civil rights movement. (Aug 2007)
  • Let each denominations decide on recognizing gay marriage. (Jul 2007)
  • Racial equality good for America as a whole. (Jun 2007)
  • Put the Confederate flag in a museum, not the state house. (Apr 2007)
  • Supports health benefits for gay civil partners. (Oct 2006)
  • Muslim heritage gives Obama unique influence in Muslim world. (Oct 2006)
  • Opposes gay marriage; supports civil union & gay equality. (Oct 2006)
  • No black or white America--just United States of America. (Oct 2006)
  • Marriage not a human right; non-discrimination is. (Oct 2004)
  • African-Americans vote Democratic because of issue stances. (Jul 2004)
  • Forthright on racial issues and on his civil rights history. (Jul 2004)
  • Defend freedom and equality under law. (May 2004)
  • Politicians: don't use religion to insulate from criticism. (Apr 2004)
  • Supports affirmative action in colleges and government. (Jul 1998)
  • Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws. (Jul 1998)
  • Miscegenation a felony in 1960 when Obamas practiced it. (Aug 1996)
  • The civil rights movement was a success. (Aug 1996)
  • Voted NO on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
  • Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
  • Rated 89% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated 100% by the NAACP, indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance. (Dec 2006)
It is clearly seen by close reading of these stances and votes that he does flip-flop on his homosexual views. It is clearly seen that he both wants to remove religion from the mix and yet wants each religious denomination to decide whether or not to approve homosexual marriage. Wants the term "marriage" to include homosexuals, and then says the term is not important but the equal rights conferred in marriage are. Flipflopflipflop.

He believes in affirmative action; to me, this says this Black American, Barack Hussein Obama, believes that members of accepted minority groups cannot achieve without government help. He want to force businesses to pay women equally; fine, I believe women should be paid EXACTLY the same as men to, for performing the same job. I also believe that women who perform a job should do so as well as a man, if they want the same pay; this means that female firefighters should perform EXACTLY as their male counterparts. If it takes two women to do a job one man can do, then pay the two of them what one man would earn. And while we are on the subject, require women to register for the draft, as men must; if a man fails to register, he cannot get federal student loans, he cannot get a federal job, and he can go to prison. Let the women take the same civil responsibility. Perhaps Barack Hussein Obama will get on this civil rights issue. I wouldn't bet on it.
And now his stance on corporations:
Click here for 7 full quotes on Corporations OR background on Corporations.
  • End tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas. (Aug 2007)
  • Hold corporations responsible for pensions & work conditions. (Aug 2007)
  • Tax incentives for corporate responsibility. (Jun 2004)
  • Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad. (Jun 2004)
  • REAL USA Plan: Reward companies that create domestic jobs. (Jun 2004)
  • Voted YES on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)
  • Voted NO on reforming bankruptcy to include means-testing & restrictions. (Mar 2005)
I don't have a problem rewarding companies for keeping jobs inside the United States. Now if only people didn't expect to be paid immense amounts of money for menial, entry-level jobs. Entry-level jobs are just that: ENTRY LEVEL!! They are not meant to be positions that you can put a kid through college on. Most people making minimum wage are either new to the work force, or retired and getting a little extra money (Wal-Mart greeters, et al). And less than 5% of American workers MAKE minimum wage. But wait, common sense has gone away....
I don't understand how anyone can not understand that a business operates to make a profit, not to provide hand-outs and operate for nothing. If American's are demanding too much to perform a job that someone else can do for less, it is only intelligent that a company outsource. I don't much like it, but Americans have become lazy and complacent, and will only perform certain work. Ask a kid entering the work force to go work in the fields picking fruit; he will laugh at you, even if it pays twice minimum wage.

I think this is enough for people to digest tonight. Enjoy. Think. Analyze. Decide.
Use the intelligence God gave you, and look at issues, don't just go along with the rest. One of the best lines I have ever heard to describe humanity came from Tommy Lee Jones: "A person is smart; people are stupid."
Break out of the herd.

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