Monday, May 19, 2008

My Opinion and you are welcome to it!

Well, this is the first entry into my blogspot, BMW Joe's Opinion. I am Joe Houseworth, BMW Joe. I am 46 years old, served in the military until I was crippled up by a drunk driver, and now work for the United States Postal Service. I want it known that these views ARE MY OWN, AND IN NO WAY REFLECT ANY OPINIONS OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. That's right people; I work for the Government, and do have my own opinions. What a shock!

I am proudly conservative, fiscally and socially. I firmly believe that the path this country is taking will lead us into a deep depression, and will result in a great deal of social damage. Spiraling fuel prices are not driven so much by government regulation as by the misguided liberal NIMBYs. These are the people who, on one hand, insist that we become energy-independent, then in the same breath, refuse to allow for drilling for more oil in the United States, opening the Alaskan oil reserves, or allowing nuclear energy. I guess that is the wonderful thing about being a liberal-- you just have to say you "want change" and that you care about everything, and can then ignore the practical aspects about what you want and how many people it will hurt.
Anyway, I must say I have issues with social programs that merely perpetuate more people dependent on social programs. After nearly 60 years of welfare, we still have people needing welfare, the welfare rolls have increased and the number of government workers employed by the social programs have increased. I think it is disgusting that we have so many overlapping programs that provide the same services under different names. I don't understand how some people can expect hard working Americans to support them while they sit on their fat cans and live on the public dole.
I guess I compare everyone living on social programs to my brother, Daniel. Dan is mildly retarded, yet he works two jobs, maintains his own household, manages his own money and is quite happy. He asks for NO SOCIAL PROGRAM ASSISTANCE, even though he would easily qualify. Why? Because our father taught us WORK ETHICS AND PRIDE IN ACCOMPLISHMENT! He taught us that people who say they can't do something have never tried to do it, and accepted defeat.
This seems to be how people have become. We are not allowed to teach our children to compete and strive for excellence, because someone else might feel bad about themselves. Awwww.....
Who cares? I don't think it is within my power, or the power of anyone, to make someone feel bad about themselves. If someone is so wimpy and weak as to let the opinions of others affect them, then tough. The world is a tough place, and children need to learn that early; competition does this. It allows people to try hard to succeed, and learn from their mistakes if they fail.
So now you have a little bit of an idea about how I am. I believe in self-sufficiency, minimal government, and taking responsibility for one's self. I believe it is each person's responsibility to care for themselves and their family, and not their responsibility to be everyone else's keeper. I don't think our founding father's would have approved of this country becoming a nanny state, where the government is all powerful, and takes care of us from the womb to the tomb.
Think what you will; this is who I am. These are my opinions. You don't have to like them, or agree with them. I really don't care. The fact is you are reading them, and you are reacting to them, for good or ill.

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